söndag 31 maj 2020

Salmon fishing / Flyfishing eldorado's in the North - Alta river, Kola river, Muonio river, Torneå river, Torne river, Kaitum river, Kalix river, Lainio river, Lätäs eno, Tana river. etc. 

However, this nice piece of a beast was catched in the Alta river, in Finnmark, northern Norway. This is a great Atlantic Salmon newly raised the up streams the river. 

Send in your best salmonfishing experiences and story too, for our news aggregator to publish it as a forum post to the http://forexmarket.site/en-News.html (http://worldbank.nu) or send it to linership(at)yandex.com

Note: Your article or story need to be with 200-3000 words, photo, and remark your email subject as "Best Salmon Fishing in the World".

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